That’s right.
In our #fakenews era, you can trust me because I, Taylor Ross, solemnly swear that am a trusted instructor at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine.
Here are the details: It’s an epidemic in boys and girls under 7 years old. 😉 The latest sighting was January 8th at 5:45PM in Pueblo West. Here’s the evidence …Shockingly, these spiders can only been found in the mouths of Dr. Ross’ niece and nephews! Especially when they forget to brush their teeth.
This is definitely not a cheap ploy by an uncle who-shall-not-be-named to motivate tooth brushing … And these aren’t beautiful sutures from yours truly from an extraction, bone graft … And I certainly don’t do implants at fees significantly lower than most dentists in Pueblo and Fremont County …
-Dr. Ross :):)