Use it or Lose it, Dental style

time is running out alarm clock

It’s that time of year again. Hooray!

No, I’m not talking about marathon Amazon shopping, or overdosing on EggNog or even binge-watching YouTube puppy videos in your Snuggie.

No, it’s time to USE your dental benefits! If you don’t, they vanish HOGWARTS style.

Come on in and talk to these awesomely smart people to the right so that we can help you MAXIMIZE your smile and minimize bad tooth things (youtube puppies are distracting me from writing). Boo bad tooth things!

Let’s keep it simple. CALL and ask for Angela or Alexis.

Get your money’s worth 🙂
-Dr. Ross

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Hours :
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Enter your name and email to claim your dental implant deal. 

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