Regular professional teeth cleanings help prevent decay and remove plaque that’s hard to get rid of on your own. Beyond that, they are an important part of an effective preventative care routine.
If you maintain a regular teeth cleaning schedule now, you’ll protect your teeth for life. You’ll also be able to catch any problems early on, which could save you time and money down the road.
When you come in for a dental cleaning, we’ll start with a basic physical exam. This allows us to see what your teeth look like and check for any inflammation, infection, or other visible problems.
Once your exam is completed, we’ll remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and use a high-powered brush to clean each individual tooth. Then, we’ll floss your teeth and apply a fluoride treatment.
You may also request X-Rays during your cleaning. These are a good addition to dental cleanings for patients with concerns about underlying issues. If you suspect a cavity, need to check on the status of your wisdom teeth, or have another concern, we can discuss the benefits of X-Rays for you.
If you brush twice a day, do you still need to schedule a dental cleaning? The answer is yes. While a good at-home oral health routine is an important part of maintaining your smile, professional care is also important.
Our team has the expertise to look for problems and signs of disease that you might not notice at home. We can recommend preventative maintenance for things like receding gums and immediately treat concerns like cavities and chipped teeth.
When you come in for your regular cleaning, we’ll be eager to talk to you about how you care for your teeth at home. We want you to feel empowered to take your oral health into your own hands, and we want to work together with each of our patients to provide professional care that compliments your at-home routine.
Keep up with your dental health and maintain a bright smile with a teeth cleaning from Pueblo West. Our team offers professional teeth cleanings to new and returning patients and recommends at least one cleaning every six months.
To learn more about our dental cleanings or to schedule an appointment, contact us today. We’re here to help our Pueblo West neighbors with all of their dental needs!